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Philippe Gerwill

speaker digihealthday 2024


Philippe Gerwill (Switzerland)

Executive Advisor

Digitalization Humanist & Futurist
Board Member, Docthus Healthtech





Keynote: Revolutionizing Medicine: Rise of the Healthcare Metaverse & AI Doctors


In this era of rapid technological innovation, nothing remains untouched - least of all healthcare. This keynote presentation delves into the fascinating evolution of the Healthcare Metaverse - a new, immersive virtual realm where patient care, medical training, and health innovation converge. Explore how this digital universe is being shaped and enhanced through the integration of AI solutions like ChatGPT, resulting in specialized Metaverse Doctors.

This transformation signifies a shift in the traditional paradigm of healthcare, introducing virtual care, remote diagnostics, and more personalized treatments. The presentation will provide insights into how artificial intelligence is not merely complementing but revolutionizing the role of doctors and healthcare providers.

From discussing the fundamentals of the Metaverse, to the complexities of AI, and the nexus of these two concepts, we'll walk through the progression and potential of this novel healthcare model. In addition, we will demonstrate how these AIpowered Metaverse Doctors can provide timely, effective and personalized care, breaking physical and geographical barriers. Join us as we explore the dawn of a new era in healthcare - the era of the Healthcare Metaverse and AI Doctors. Witness the remarkable ways in which these technologies are redefining patient care, medical training, and healthcare accessibility.