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The highest responsibility in the rescue services

with your bachelor's degree emergency paramedic (B.Sc.)

Emergency paramedic, b.sc.

faculty of applied healthcare sciences





of all dit graduates

will find a job

within 2 months






An interface profession of the future with the highest responsibility in working with people in emergency situations


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#healthcareresearch    #prehospitalcare


Are you passionate about emergency services and dedicated to providing the best possible acute medical care to people in emergencies? Expand your expertise and practical experience as a trained emergency paramedic by pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Emergency Paramedic. Enhance your skills with scientifically grounded knowledge in advanced areas such as preventive emergency services, managing frequent users, or health literacy. Equip yourself with additional diagnostic and therapeutic skills to meet the increased demands on future emergency services.

In rural areas and times of shortages in emergency and general medical capacities, you, as a emergency paramedic, will play a crucial key role in modern healthcare in Germany.

emergency paramedic Profile

Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Standard Study Period: 7 Semester

ECTS-Points: 210

Skills acquired during the training to become a emergency paramedic are recognized with up to 105 ECTS credits in accordance with Article 86, Paragraph 2 of the BayHIG

Start of study programme: Winter semester

Location: Deggendorf

Teaching language: German

Application Period: 15 April - 15 July

Eligibility requirements:

  • University qualification from Germany (for international qualifications, please check the DAAD website) OR 3 years of training in a healthcare profession and at least 3 years of relevant professional experience at the start of the degree programme.
  • Training to become a state-recognised emergency paramedic or comparable qualifications. The examination board decides on the equivalence of the qualifications. Proof is provided by submitting the final certificate.
  • Language Requirements

Prerequisites: All knowledge from the vocational training as a emergency paramedic.

Continuing study programmes:

Student union fee: 

  • No tuition fees, only student union fee
  • International students from non-EU/EEA countries are required to pay service fees for each semester. Click here to read about our service fees.


career prospects

As a emergency paramedic, you significantly contribute to relieving the conventional emergency services, create new resources within preventive emergency services, and help fill gaps for comprehensive emergency care.

Advanced knowledge in emergency and acute medical diagnostics and the treatment of specific medical conditions enable you to make independent decisions and take action in selected emergency and acute medical situations, as well as in prevention by incorporating the network and structures of the healthcare system. You will also gain solid pharmacological knowledge as a prerequisite for potential specialized medical authority. Furthermore, the cross-disciplinary skills in communication, medicine, and nursing acquired during your studies equip you to take on a leadership position in a response vehicle and at the emergency site, advising, structuring, and supporting the respective team.

Course of Study

The Bachelor's degree programme Emergency Paramedic comprises seven semesters. If organised accordingly, an accompanying occupation is possible. In addition to university qualification, training as a state-certified emergency paramedic or an equivalent qualification is required. Knowledge acquired during vocational training can be easily recognized. The admission requirements and the study and examination regulations apply.

Lectures in the fields of pathophysiology, pharmacology, diagnostics, and emergency medicine skills, as well as general medical foundations and legal principles, are combined with integrated seminars for direct practical application and deeper understanding.

programme content

Overview about the courses, SWS (semester hours per week) and ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) in the Bachelor's degree Emergency Paramedic.

Contents marked with *: Creditable achievements from training to become a state-recognised emergency paramedic or comparable qualifications. In addition, modules from other degree programmes (e.g. scientific foundations etc.) can be credited after an equivalence check.


1 semester

Scientific foundations 1, propaedeutics NCCR 3 5
Pathophysiology 3 5
Applied Health Sciences/Health Literacy 3 5
Fundamentals of Pharmacology* 3 5
Anatomy/Physiology* 3 5
Practical Exercises 1* 3 5

2 semester

Pharmacology specialisation 3 5
(General) Medical Fundamentals 2 3 5
Integrated seminar 1 3 5
(General) Medical Fundamentals 1* 3 5
Organisation and Operational Theory* 3 5
Practical Exercises 2* 3 5

3 semester

Compulsory elective subject 1 3 5
Specialised emergency medical diagnostics 3 5
Integrated seminar 2 3 5
Team, resource, management and quality management* 3 5
General Emergency Medicine* 3 5
Practical Exercises 3*
3 5

4 semester

(General) Medical Fundamentals 3
3 5
(General) Medical Fundamentals 4
3 5
Compulsory elective subject 2 3 5
Social Science and Humanities Foundations* 3 5
Vocational and Political Studies* 3 5
Practical Exercises 4* 3 5

5 semester

Emergency medical competence 1 3 5
Emergency medical competence 2 3 5
Compulsory elective subject 3 3 5
Ethics* 3 5
Hygiene* 3 5
Practical Exercises 5* 3 5

6 semester

Legal basis 3 5
Scientific principles 2, statistics 3 5
Integrated seminar 3 3 5
Special Emergency Medicine* 3 5
Interdisciplinarity in Action* 3 5
Practical Exercises 6* 3 5

7 semester

Bachelor thesis   10
Scientific colloquium 2 5
Leadership skills in emergency situations* 3 5
Dealing and Communicating with Relatives and others* 3 5
Practical Exercises 7* 3 5