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Second Doctoral Centre for the Research Area NITRO

DIT (Deggendorf Institute of Technology) has a Second Doctoral Centre

17.7.2024 |

The Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) has been granted the right to award doctorates in the research field "Sustainable Intelligent Technologies for Resource-Optimised Production (NITRO)." This was announced by the Bavarian Ministry of Science on Tuesday, 16 July. This allows young scientists to now pursue a doctorate directly at DIT in this field. The first doctoral centre "Digital Technologies and Their Applications (DigiTech)" was announced in October. DIT is part of a network with the Technical University of Augsburg (THA) and the University of Applied Sciences Landshut in both doctoral centres.

At the DigiTech and NITRO doctoral centres, DIT is authorised to award doctoral degrees. Graduates with a relevant Master's degree can pursue a doctorate. As DIT President Prof. Waldemar Berg reports, "A total of 19 professors – including five from DIT – are part of NITRO due to their scientific expertise and research strength. They are now authorised to independently supervise doctorates." Research activities at the doctoral centre focus on production systems and processes, product design and materials engineering, as well as technology and innovation. The key themes of sustainability and resource efficiency are integral to all areas. DIT particularly contributes in areas such as nanotechnology, high-frequency technology, sensor technology, and bionics to the new doctoral centre. "All these thematic focuses are essential foundations for the further development of intelligent and resource-efficient technologies, which are indispensable for artificial intelligence, for example," says Berg.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dorner, Vice President for Research at DIT, adds, "Interdisciplinary young scientists will research new materials, manufacturing processes, and methods for environmentally friendly, resource-saving, and economical production, thereby contributing to solving current social, economic, and ecological problems." While 24 doctoral students are already active in the first DIT doctoral centre "DigiTech," the first doctoral students in the new doctoral centre "NITRO" are expected to start at the end of 2024 or beginning of 2025. "The establishment of the two doctoral centres creates the appropriate conditions for the scientific careers of our students," says Dorner. For them, the right to award doctorates at universities of applied sciences is a logical step in recognising the scientific achievements of their researchers and leading excellent doctoral students to the doctoral title, as at universities.

As one of the most research-intensive technical universities in Bavaria, Deggendorf Institute of Technology offers young doctoral students an attractive research environment at its many technology campuses. "Doctoral studies at DIT have a long tradition," says DIT President Berg. "Through cooperative doctorates with universities, numerous young scientists in Deggendorf and at our research centres in the region have been prepared for careers in research and development." Today, they work in leading positions in development departments and management of companies or as professors. Berg also adds, "Through cooperation with companies, our DIT doctoral students gain insight into the significance of research and innovation in a business context and how science, theory, and practical relevance interact."

Today, scientists at DIT conduct research in 17 research centres at twelve locations in the region and beyond. "Through 'NITRO,' research, particularly at the Deggendorf, Plattling, Hutthurm, Cham, Parsberg, Weißenburg, Freyung, Teisnach, and Pfarrkirchen locations, will be strengthened," concludes Professor Dorner. These locations house research groups and institutes in materials research, production technology, and sustainability research.

More information: DIT Doctoral Programmes

The key themes of sustainability and resource efficiency are integral components in the research of all focal points at the new DIT doctoral centre.