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the desire to discover new things

building the machines of tomorrow

mechanical engineering, m.eng.

faculty of mechanical engineering & mechatronics





of all dit graduates

will find a job

within 2 months






you're building the machines of tomorrow.


#productdevelopment #innovationmanagement #mathematics #databases #thermodynamics

#dynamicsystems #drivesystemsengineering #cad #cam


The Master of Mechanical Engineering is your opportunity to understand integrated product development and apply it in industrial practice. This gives you the best possible training in current topics in mechanical and vehicle engineering, such as digitalisation and Industry 4.0. Employees with tasks in modern research and development face increased demands. You will acquire the competence to master these independently, self-confidently and innovatively. The Master's degree programme teaches the ability to work independently in a scientific manner, methodically and in the context of the task environment. It complements your Bachelor's or Diploma degree in depth. Previously gained knowledge is underpinned with theoretical knowledge. Particularly qualified students receive the theoretical foundations that make a doctorate or work in possible scientific fields. The Master's degree also qualifies students for careers in the higher civil service. DIT has been successfully offering this degree programme since March 2015. It is aimed at graduates with a first degree in the fields of mechanical engineering, mechatronics and technical design.

fact sheet mechanical engineering

Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)

Duration: 3 semesters (18 months)

ECTS points: 90

Start: October & March (winter & summer semester)

Location: Deggendorf

Taught in: German

Application period:

  • Entry in October (winter semester): 15 April - 15 July
  • Entry in March (summer semester): 1 October - 15 January

Admission requirements:

  • Admission is defined in the study and examination regulations.(§ 3 Qualification Requirements and § 4 Evidence of Missing ECTS Points)
  • Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering, mechatronics or comparable courses of study in which the subjects machine elements 2 and technical mechanics 3 are included or must have been passed at the time of admission
  • Language requirements

CHE University Ranking 2021/2022: The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics is in the top group in the area of "Practical Relevance".


  • No tuition fees, only student union fee
  • International students from non-EU/EEA countries are required to pay service fees for each semester. Click here to read about our service fees.

Enquiries: welcome@th-deg.deprospective student advisors

career prospects

The focus of the new Master's programme in Mechanical Engineering is on integrated product development. The choice of this orientation is based on the following trends and observations:

  •     In the future, product development in the field of mechanical design will take place in a closed process in a 3D model on the computer. Process elements are 3D design, 3D simulation, 3D printing and CAM implementation for prototypes up to series production and feedback of the data via 3D measuring procedures (e.g. computer tomography).
  •     In the course of the change in production philosophy known as "Industry 4.0", development and production processes are increasingly merging. The individualisation of products is made possible by information networking across the value chain. The models created in the design process are transferred to the production chain and continue to exist there.
  •     Product development in mechanical engineering today is continuous system development in which mechanical design, electronics development and the development of embedded software or firmware are inseparably intertwined. Modern process approaches, in particular agile methods, are increasingly being used for this purpose.
  •     The innovation process includes a professional requirements management, with which the market and customer needs are tracked up to the planning of detailed product characteristics, product variants and individualised features and used for control.
  •     Product development is thus "integrated" in two ways: On the one hand, the integration of the design process in a closed construction loop completely based on computer modeling, on the other hand in the strong networking of the development activities in a cross-disciplinary system development process.
  •     In many companies, the mechanical engineer is the "organiser" of the development process, as he usually has the role of master data maintenance (creation of part numbers, drawings, etc.).
  •     Integrated product development places new demands on mechanical engineers. International competition is increasingly shifting to the field of product development, the efficiency and effectiveness of which is becoming a critical success factor for industry and thus an essential location factor for Germany and Europe.

The acquisition of the Master's qualification is intended to further qualify well-trained engineers for control and management tasks and thereby impart important competencies in the complex field of integrated product development. The further development of the processes with regard to industry 4.0 requires the competence for independent scientific work, which the Master's programme imparts methodically and in the context of the task environment.

subject overview

Overview of lectures and courses, SWS (Semesterwochenstunden = weekly hours/semester) and ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) in the Master's degree Mechanical Engineering. 


1. Semester SWS ECTS
Higher Mathematics 4 5
Exercise Higher Mathematics 2 2
Technical Data Bases and Product Data Management 2 3
Exercise Technical Data Bases 2 2
Fluid / Thermodynamics 2 4
Exercise Fluid / Thermodynamics 2 2
Dynamic Systems 2 3
Exercise Dynamic Systems 2 2
Finite-Elements-Methods und Multi-body Systems 4 5
Exercise FEM/MBS 2 2
2. Semester SWS ECTS
Numeric Methods in Mechanical Engineering 4 5
Computer Internship (Informatics) 2 2
Drive System Technology 2 3
Exercise Drive System Technology 2 2
CAD/CAM and Rapid Prototyping 4 5
CAD/CAM Internship 2 2
Virtual Testing 2 4
Computer Internship (Informatics) 2 2
Innovation Management 2 3
Exercise Innovation Management 2 2
3. Semester SWS ECTS
Seminar Key Skills 4 4
Master Seminar 2 2
Master Thesis with Presentation - 24