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mechatronic and cyber-physical systems, m.eng.

faculty of applied natural sciences & industrial engineering





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#mechatronics   #robotics   #autonomoussystems   #simulation   #virtualreality   #augmentedreality

#additivemanufacturing   #safety   #IOT   #englishpostgraduateprogramme   #cham   #innovative   #masterofengineering

The consecutive master's programme "Mechatronic and Cyber-Physical Systems" enables undergraduates of Mechatronics or other related fields of study to deepen their knowledge and understanding of networked systems in Digital Production. Modern Simulation Systems, Cooperative and Autonomous Systems, Innovative Human-Machine Interfaces and Additive Manufacturing Processes are covered within four technologically-oriented study units. Two interdisciplinary study units allow for the treatment of specific application fields of Cyber-Physical Systems as well as the Functional Safety of software-based control and automation systems.

fact sheet mechatronic and cyber-physical systems

Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)

Duration: 3 semesters (1.5 years)

ECTS points: 90

Start: mid-March (summer semester)

Location: Cham

Language of Instruction: English

Application Period:

  • Entry in March (summer semester):  01 October - 01 December

Admission Requirements:

  • The qualification for the master's programme "Mechatronic and Cyber-Physical Systems" is proven by the completion of a basic course of study at a domestic or foreign university with a minimum of 210 ECTS credits in the fields of industrial engineering, technical physics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, mechatronics or a degree that is equivalent to such a university degree. Based on the documents submitted, the examination board decides on the equivalence of prior degrees.
  • For this reason, applicants having obtained their academic training (e.g., undergraduate degree) in non-member states of the Lisbon convention are recommended to submit a GATE or GRE (general) certificate as well as a recognised German language certifictate deemed to further substantiate their eligibility for this study programme.
  • Additionally, the professional qualification for this study programme might need to be demonstrated in the context of an aptitude assessment. This written exam is based on a range of subject areas relevant for the field of Mechatronics, such as mathematics, physics, electronics & electrical engineering, system theory, control engineering and computer science. The exam is being conducted both online and on-site at the Campus Cham affiliated to the Deggendorf Institute of Technology. This exam is consulted to determine the major-specific eligibility and ultimately decides on the admission to this master’s programme.

Concerning all applications for the summer semester on Campus Cham:

  • For all applications received from 1st October to 1st December, the online admission test is scheduled shortly upon the end of the application period.
  • The date of the online admission test cannot be chosen individually. Instead, the test date will be pre-defined by the examination board within the invitation email.
  • Dependent on the date we received your application, applicants will either receive their invitation email in the middle or by the end of the application period.

Language Requirements:

  • If German is not your native language, proof of sufficient German skills is necessary.
  • If English is not your native language, proof of sufficient English skills is necessary.
  • The admission requirements are stipulated in the study and examination regulations (§3 Qualification for the programme, § 4 Proof of ECTS credits not yet obtained, § 5 Modules and proof of performance).


  • No tuition fees, only student union fee
  • International students from non-EU/EEA countries are required to pay service fees for each semester. Click here to read about our service fees.


career prospects

In the near future, intelligent, self-controlling, sensor-supported and networked production systems will enable nearly self-organised production in the "Smart Factory". In addition to this Industrial Internet of Things (IOT), robots on the other side of the spectrum are even gradually beginning to conquer social areas. Many surgical procedures are already robot-assisted today, and even within the healthcare sector, attempts are being made to make measures technically more effective or to replace skilled personnel missing with robots. The field of automation, digitalisation and robotics has an enormous bandwidth, and development is progressing at breathtaking speed.

Which influence will megatopics such as virtual/augmented reality, autonomous driving or ambient-assisted living have on our future lives? The demand for qualified personnel will be continuously increasing over the next few years. Expert knowledge has been more in demand than ever. Creative ideas can be the answer to these questions and needs - as a graduate of the postgraduate programme "Mechatronic and Cyber-Physical Systems".

Increasing digitalisation is changing the way we work and creating new professions. The postgraduate programme "Mechatronic and Cyber-Physical Systems" conveys exactly the knowledge necessary to not only be a part of this changing professional world but someone who is actively involved in shaping this world. 

alumni profile

Chiemezie Albert Udoh

2020 | Mechatronics and Cyber-Physical Systems (in Cham)

Beruflicher Werdegang

Ich arbeite derzeit in der Elektronik- und Mechatronik-Herstellungsindustrie als Testingenieur, nachdem ich aus der Öl- und Gasindustrie als Bauingenieur gewechselt habe.

Mein Ziel ist es, ein Profi im Bereich Embedded System (Soft- und Hardware) zu werden. Ich glaube, dass ich mit dem Studium Mechatronics and Cyber-Physical Systems an der TH Deggendorf das Fundament für diesen Bereich gelegt habe.

Schwelgen erlaubt: Erinnern Sie sich an Ihre Studentenzeit

Die Erinnerung an die erste Weihnachtsfeier auf dem Campus wird mir immer im Gedächtnis bleiben. Sie war so freundlich und einladend, wenn man bedenkt, dass ich gerade erst in Deutschland angekommen war. Ich war extrem aufgeregt mit Menschen aus verschiedenen Kulturen zu interagieren und neue Freunde zu finden.

Ich denke auch, dass die Lernatmosphäre ziemlich einzigartig war, weil ich keine Spannungen zwischen den Studierenden/Professor:innen Beziehungen bemerkt habe. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass ich jedes Mal, wenn ich die Vorlesungen besucht habe, von einem Freund gelernt habe. Die Aufgeschlossenheit der Professor:innen machten die Kunst des Lernens noch erstrebenswerter.

Ich hatte meine erste spannende Hackathon Erfahrung im März 2019 (Moving Station Pilsen) mit meinen Kolleg:innen, die mir aktuelle Trends in den Mechatronik-bezogenen Technologien näher gebracht haben, und ich möchte mich bei der Hochschule für diese Möglichkeit bedanken, da ich auf dem Gebiet der Mechatronik neu war.

Was möchten Sie den aktuellen Studierenden mit auf den Weg geben?

Ich habe gelernt, dass man sich als Student:in sehr anstrengen muss, um Kompetenz in jedem Wissensgebiet zu erlangen. Die Professor:innen werden zwar immer Anleitung und Hilfe geben, aber man muss erkennen, dass wir die Haupttreibenden sind, um Lösungen für die Konzepte zu finden, die uns interessieren.

Fühlen Sie sich frei auf Ihre Kommiliton:innen zuzugehen und seien Sie bereit Ihr Wissen mit anderen zu teilen, die danach suchen.

Ich habe sehr von den Tutorien profitiert, die mein Kommilitone organisiert hat und zwar auf verschiedene Arten, die ein tieferes Verständnis, mehr Zeit für Fragen und Nachfragen ermöglicht haben. Daher empfehle ich nachdrücklich, dass Tutorien Lernhilfen sind und nicht als Ersatz für den Besuch von Vorlesungen angesehen werden sollten.

Abschließend rate ich Ihnen offen zu sein und alles so einfach wie mögich zu halten. Nehmen Sie Kritik an, denn das wird den Raum für Entwicklung öffnen und die Bereitschaft stärken, Dinge unabhängig vom erwarteten Ergebnis auszuprobieren.


Ahmad Alsheikh

2021 | Mechatronics and Cyber-Physical Systems (in Cham)

Why did you choose this degree programme?

After my bachelor studies in Mechatronics, I wanted to pursue further studies to deepen my knowledge and specialize in the field of mechatronic systems that integrate AI solutions. This programme at the DIT was the perfect choice since it provides many newly advanced technologies in mechatronic systems.

Remember your time at the DIT: how was it studying at Cham?

This programme has many diverse paths and a wide variety of topics as well as the case studies that are part of some courses, which let me practically apply what I learned in theory.

Why should an international student study at DIT?

At DIT, you will get to know many students with different backgrounds and cultures. You will also be given the opportunity to learn a new language provided each semester by the language center at DIT.


Harish Kumar Nimmala

2021 | Mechatronics and Cyber-Physical Systems (in Cham)

Describe your professional career after your Graduation:

I come from India; I currently live and work in Germany. Basically, I am passionate about smart products. Collecting data from different sensors and playing with AI algorithms is my hobby. To develop such futuristic products, one should definitely master technologies from different domains. My degree programme “Mechatronic and Cyber-Physical Systems” was a perfect choice for me, as it is focused on teaching a stack of trending technologies.

Remember your time at the DIT: how was it studying at Cham?

I enjoyed learning from industrial expert professors, gaining multidisciplinary skills and knowledge from this degree programme. It gave me a strong base to solve complex engineering problems. This foundation helped me, for instance, to develop an "Intelligent Smart Mover" during my Master’s programme. 

Why should an international student study at DIT?

Studying at DIT not only gives you an opportunity to meet amazing people, but there is a striking alumni network. The positive atmosphere and friendly faculty at DIT allow its students to engage in activities beyond academics. In short, DIT challenges its students not only to pursue their academic goals but also their personal interests.

student case studies



During student case study projects, the planning of project processes and their implementation as well as social skills through working in a team are practised.



Commercially available intelligent ("smart") door locks are usually controllable via fingerprint recognition, numerical code and/or radio/app and are available in the form of a locking cylinder or as an attachment.
As part of the project for a personalised, retrofittable door lock, a simple mortise lock has been converted to replace the existing lock. In addition, facial recognition is to be used for control, along with other methods. 

Project Aims

  • Modification of the mechanics of a simple mortise lock so that the locking bolt is moved by an electric motor
  • Development and implementation of a face recognition system with life detection to open the lock
  • Development of a retrofit kit for any door with the simplest possible assembly and programming for laypeople


  • Development and implementation of mechanics and electrics for the movement of the locking bolt
  • Further development and implementation of face recognition and other control types based on an initial model 
  • Installation and test using a simple interior door


Contact person for project information

Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Jürgen Wittmann




Especially in rural areas, bank branches are increasingly equipped with ATMs instead of staff, but is that really enough? 

Using appropriate mathematical models, students analysed the core factors of queues: from the arrival process to waiting time and service at the counter to the number of customers.

Project Aims

The project group simulated various what-if scenarios in order to optimise the respective waiting time of the bank customers to the maximum. At what point do more ATMs have to be available? Conversely, at what point is more service staff required to relieve queues? 



  • Image 1 & 2: Master students modeled a virtual bank simulation with dynamic object animations in the form of service personnel and ATMs.


Contact person for project information

Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Jürgen Wittmann





An example of a production flow is the individual production phases of a hand-signed key fob, from the drawing in the CAD programme to the finished 3D colour print.

Aims of the project

The laboratory aims at constantly optimising the print quality, print speed and simultaneous 3D printing of several objects.


  • Image 1: The CAD design.

  • Image 2: 3D printer using the CAD design.

  • Image 3: the finished key fob.


Contact person for project information

Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Jürgen Wittmann




Our student labs are home to collaborative work through the use of supporting technologies at the workplace.

Project Aims

In the master's project "Hand Gesture Recognition", a gripping robot is controlled directly by hand gestures and thus reduces the workload through automated loading and unloading processes.


  • Image 1 & 2: student controls the robot using hand gesture recognition.


Contact person for project information

Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Jürgen Wittmann



subject overview

Overview of lectures and courses, SWS (Semesterwochenstunden = weekly hours/semester) and ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) in the master's programme "Mechatronic and Cyber-Physical Systems".


1st Semester SWS ECTS
Cyber-Physical Systems 6 5
Advanced Robotics 4 5
Autonomous Systems 4 5
Case Study Cooperative and Autonomous Systems 4 5
Advanced Modelling and Simulation 4 5
Case Study Mechatronic System Simulation 4 5
2nd Semester SWS ECTS
Human Machine Interfaces - VR/AR 4 5
Case Study VR/AR in System Engineering 4 5
Technologies of Additive Manufacturing 4 5
AM Production Processes 4 5
Case Study Cyber-Physical Production Systems Using AM 4 5
Functional Safety - Principles and Design 4 5
3rd Semester SWS ECTS
Subject-Related Elective Course (FWP) 4 5
Master's Module - 25
Master's Thesis - 20
Master's Seminar (two parts: Master's colloquium (2 ECTS) and seminar series "Career Start into German Technology Companies") 2 5