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technology management, m.eng.

faculty of applied natural sciences & industrial engineering




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technology meets business administration


#technology    #productdevelopment    #innovation    #start-up    #productionsprocesses    #industy4.0

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You have a strong engineering mind, but you're not a nerd. Because you know very well that it's not enough just to have a clever, sophisticated product idea. After all, you have to get it on the market, get people excited about it and earn money with it. And that is only possible with entrepreneurial behaviour and the firm will to take over responsibility. Is that what you want to achieve? Then Deggendorf Institute of Technology is the right place for you. Because the Master's degree programme in Technology Management offers you exactly this unique combination of technical know-how and business management thinking.

You certainly know how to build a machine or lay out electrotechnical components and programme . But have you ever thought about how to manage successful product development? About product management or about quality and risk management in research & development? With us, you will experience what digital production should look like. Or you will become an expert in successful project management in the field of Industry 4.0 or in technology development. You will learn how technical innovations can find their way into start-ups or, of course, into the research and development departments of large companies via intelligent, digital development and production processes.

At DIT, we train technology experts to become leaders. We empower you to successfully shape the important interface between technology and management. And we expand your knowledge as an engineer with relevant success factors such as strategic thinking or a deep understanding of interdisciplinary dependencies, technology potential, target groups and markets. All of this becomes part of your DNA with the Master's in Technology Management. Part of your career.

Our lecturers are experienced professionals. They bring a wealth of knowledge from industry and research. They will provide you with insights into current industry trends and the diverse challenges in the areas of technology, product development, production and innovation that go far beyond theory. And they look forward to learning, working and growing together with you.


The programme provides you with knowledge and practical experience in three areas of expertise:


  • Innovation and engineering: In order to develop marketable products, it is necessary to transfer the knowledge learnt to the relevant market requirements. This requires secure action and methodological skills in the areas of business model and company development, market research in relation to specific innovation and decision-making techniques, project and quality management including risk management, as well as technology management.


  • Corporate management: Technologies operate in a volatile regional and international environment. Their requirements are therefore of a technical, business and economic nature. To this end, the competence field of corporate management expands expertise, particularly in the areas of strategic management, value and strategy development and controlling. Students are enabled to assume professional team leadership with both commercially and technically orientated employees.


  • Product planning and production engineering: The focus here is on the "translation" of technologies into products or even into producible products. The decisive competence here is the control of the technology and its development to ensure its economic usability. The specifications and logistical aspects, such as the logistics processes in the digital factory, are of particular importance here. The learning outcome of the "Production optimisation case study" is, for example, an understanding of the interaction of technical and economic aspects in innovation projects.

fact sheet technology management

Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)

Duration: 3 Semester

ECTS-Points: 90

Start: Winter & Summer semester

Study Location: Deggendorf

Taught in: German

Application Period:

  • Winter Semester (entry in Ocotober): 15 April - 15 July
  • Summer Semester (entry in March): 1 October - 15 January

Admission requirements: 

  • Language Requirements
  • Undergraduate degree (at least 210 ECTS) in industrial engineering, technical physics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, mechatronics or comparable bachelor's or diploma programmes

Student union fee:

  • No tuition fees, only student union fee
  • International students from non-EU/EEA countries are required to pay service fees for each semester. Click here to read about our service fees.

Rankings / Valuations:

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career prospects

The degree programme will enable you to work in a wide range of professional fields later on - especially where in-depth expertise in both engineering and economics is required:

  • Company foundation and company succession of technology companies
  • Business field and product planning (business development)
  • Innovation and technology management
  • Project management in product development
  • Technical planning of plants, factories and production processes
  • Technical purchasing
  • Technical sales
  • Organisation and logistics in manufacturing companies
  • Industrial goods marketing
  • Controlling for technical departments
  • Deputy management
  • Business unit management and management in technical companies

alumni profile

Florian Drittenthaler

2021 | Technology Management 2019 | Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen

Career Development

Since August 2022, I have been working as the Industrial Engineer responsible for technology at Zollner Elektronik AG at the Neukirchen b. Hl. Blut site. In this role, I am responsible for strategic technological development. This includes joint research projects, incidentally also with DIT as a research partner, project management for the procurement of equipment and various digitalisation projects. Through my studies in industrial engineering and the subsequent master‘s programme in technology management, I was able to create a sound knowledge base for my current tasks. What has my path looked like to date? I started my career in 2018, at that time still at Lindner Group SE. At the beginning, as a trainee in the Integrated Management Service (IMS) department. Here, I was able to work fully from the very beginning and was immediately perceived as a fully-fledged colleague. Already during the internship, my future area of responsibility, the support of all English subsidiaries of the group of companies, was formed. Immediately after my internship semester, I was able to take over and get full responsibility for this. In this function, it was my responsibility to audit and further develop the quality management systems according to ISO 9001:2015. The execution of these tasks included regular business trips, through which I was able to get to know a variety of inspiring personalities. I am particularly grateful for the friendships that have resulted. I worked at Lindner until I started my Master‘s degree (Technology Management).

In the course of my Master‘s degree, I took up a position as a working student in operational quality management at Zollner Elektronik AG in February 2020. As I was immediately able to impress everybody in the new environment, my contract was changed to a permanent position after just one month. As a result, I already had a permanent full-time position, with all the responsibilities, during my Master‘s degree. Due to the outbreak of the CoViD-19 pandemic, almost all face-to-face meetings were suddenly shifted to a virtual environment, which made it possible for me to dedicate myself to both my job and my studies at the same time. In the next two and a half years, I played a major role in building up the quality department at the Neukirchen b. Hl. Blut site. Here I was able to benefit greatly from my experience with quality management systems and introduce sustainable processes and the associated tools. Since the summer of 2022, I have been working in my current position as the industrial engineer responsible for technology.

Reminiscing allowed: remember your student days

It‘s mad how time flies! It seems like it was yesterday, my first semester day. It was almost eight years ago when I started my industrial engineering studies at DIT on the first of October 2015. Fresh out of school, I started my student life full of joy and diverse expectations. Yes, I look back fondly on my time at DIT, as it was marked by many unforgettable moments. unforgettable moments.

During the first semester, I was allowed to be a „buddy“ (supervisor) for international students, which was the foundation stone for my desire to also complete a semester abroad. When I think back to my time at DIT, I immediately think of my wonderful time in Finland. Everyone knows about sleepless nights during their studies. For me, it wasn‘t just Formula Student that was the source of such nights, but also the studies themselves and the student‘s evening activities that contributed to them in no small way. I now look back fondly on all the experiences and adventures I was able to have in connection with DIT.

What advice would you give to today's students?

Try your hand, get involved in all kinds of ways. There are so many opportunities to get involved at DIT. Be it one of the many university clubs, university sports or a semester abroad. Try out everything you feel like or are interested in. Think of your time at DIT as a big playground where you can discover your strengths, preferences or even your own personal passion. I can recommend one association in particular: AlumniNet. In my opinion, you should join this directly on Freshers‘ Day. Here, students from a wide variety of degree programmes and all semesters and graduation years come together. And the best thing is to stay in touch with the university after graduation. Speaking of staying in touch, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me on LinkedIn.

subject overview

The Master's degree programme in Technology Management is designed as a full-time programme and comprises 3 semesters. The modules are a combination of a focus on technical contentbusiness content and interdisciplinary content.

The Technology Management degree programme follows a unique, modern teaching concept at Master's level. This includes, among other things:

  • The focus of all lectures is on scientifically sound, practical application. To this end, so-called case studies have been incorporated into the programme, in which students develop and present content - e.g. on Industry 4.0 or innovation development - in small groups and with maximum personal initiative.
  • Students are given the opportunity to build up a professional network during the Technology Management degree programme. This is achieved by closely interlinking the degree programme with industry and research. Lecturers, practical lectures, excursions and integration into the faculty's Technology Campus network are fundamental components of the programme.
  • Last but not least, modern teaching methods (e.g. flipped classroom, blended learning, digital tools such as Miro, etc.) are of course used on the degree programme.

programme content

Overview of lectures and courses, SWS (Semesterwochenstunden = weekly hours/semester) and ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) in the Bachelor's degree Technology Management (winter semester).


1. Semester SWS ECTS
Innovation in start-ups & established companies    
  • Systemic innovation
2 2
  • Innovation Case Study
4 6
Corporate management    
  • Strategic Management
4 4
  • Business Development and Market research
2 2
Product planning    
  • Product concept and FMEA
4 4
  • Product conception case study and FMEA
4 6
Enabler for product development    
  • Quality management
2 2
  • Controlling
2 2
  • Project management
2 2
2. Semester    
Engineering within the company    
  • Development tools
4 4
  • Engineering case study
2 3
Production technology    
  • Selected production topics
3 4
  • Production optimisation case study
3 4
Statistics & logistics in the company    
  • Statistics in the company
4 4
  • Logistics
2 2
Compulsory elective subject (FWP)*    
  • FWP 1
4 4
  • FWP 2
4 4

* Changing range of topics in areas such as technical sales, strategic technology management,
Technology to Market, Process and Factory Simulation, Manufacturing Execution System or Additive Manufacturing Processes.

3. Semester    
Management culture & intelligent production processes    
  • Values and strategic development
2 2
  • Process control and optimisation methods
4 4
Master Thesis   24


Overview of lectures and courses, SWS (Semesterwochenstunden = weekly hours/semester) and ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) in the Bachelor's degree Technology Management (summer semester).


1. Semester SWS ECTS
Enabler for product development
  • Quality management
2 2
  • Controlling
2 2
  • Project management
2 2
Engineering within the company    
  • Development tools
4 4
  • Engineering case study
2 3
Production technology    
  • Selected production topics
3 4
  • Production optimisation case study
3 5
Compulsory elective subject (FWP)*    
  • FWP 1
4 4
  • FWP 2
4 4

* Changing range of topics in areas such as technical sales, strategic technology management,
Technology to Market, Process and Factory Simulation, Manufacturing Execution System or Additive Manufacturing Processes.

2. Semester    
Innovation in start-ups & established companies    
  • Systemic innovation
2 2
  • Innovation Case Study
4 6
Corporate management    
  • Strategic Management
4 4
  • Business Development and Market research
2 2
Product planning    
  • Product concept and FMEA
4 4
  • Product conception case study and FMEA
4 6
Management culture & intelligent production processes    
  • Values and strategic development
2 2
  • Process control and optimisation methods
4 4
3. Semester    
Statistics & logistics in the company    
  • Statistics in the company
4 4
  • Logistics
2 2
Master Thesis   24